Home > Artworks > jean garcìa gòmez

Photo of jean garcìa gòmez Colombia
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AM Jean Garcia, born in SANTA MARTA, MAGDALENA (COLOMBIA), where he studied art SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS AND ME specializes in the management of black ink pens BIC, LF, Parker, Sharpie, in short, ALL PRODUCTS THE AMERICAN MARK SANFORD BRANDS.TENGO EXCLUSIVE 35 YEARS IN PEN DRAWING AND THAT ONLY VERY FROM CHILD TO 5 YEARS, I discovered this WONDERFUL "BRUSH INFINITE" WHEN A weekend I went with my PARENTS WALK TO BEACH HOUSE...

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AM Jean Garcia, born in SANTA MARTA, MAGDALENA (COLOMBIA), where he studied art SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS AND ME specializes in the management of black ink pens BIC, LF, Parker, Sharpie, in short, ALL PRODUCTS THE AMERICAN MARK SANFORD BRANDS.TENGO EXCLUSIVE 35 YEARS IN PEN DRAWING AND THAT ONLY VERY FROM CHILD TO 5 YEARS, I discovered this WONDERFUL "BRUSH INFINITE" WHEN A weekend I went with my PARENTS WALK TO BEACH HOUSE VERY FAR FROM MY BEAUTIFUL HOMETOWN AND WHEN I WAS there, I realized that my crayons I had been left in the city and the ceaseless cry of my tires AND CLAIMS, my wise mother gave me a Bic pen and a notebook WHITE, at the end of that unforgettable walk on the beach, WAS Chock full of Endless DRAWINGS CLEARLY that I still remember the excitement with HIZE THAT, that was the beginning of my ETERNAL ROMANCE WITH PENS, TO WHOM HE CALLED AS! THE world's most perfect BRUSHES AND EFFECT, with the practice that I purchased, I CAN NOW SHOW A PERFECT WORK AS A technique that is still not very KNOWN BY MANY, BUT MY ART IS A PROPOSAL FOR AMALGAM PERFECT VIRTUE OF ART CLASSICAL AND POP ART AS THE COLOR OF MY WORK IS FLOWS fully alive, striking and different, same stuff TALK TO MY PEOPLE foot, for those who profess respect and admiration HUGE AND STREET VENDORS ARE THESE ALL THE RASOS WORLD AND WORKERS ARE FUNDAMENTAL MOTOR OF ALL THE WORLD ECONOMY TO MY WORK, WORK YOUR SILENT EXALTO, AL They being the cornerstone of my drawings.

I am also passionate CARS mule, donkey carts BITCHES OR ARE KNOWN AS IN OUR SOCIETY AND HISPANIC can see many of these picturesque VEHICLES IN MY WORK, THAT feels surreal, still exist today in the era of modernity and technology BUT AS ARCHAIC PARTS LATENT Even in our advanced society.

In short, the everyday, the REAL, the ordinary, the common and custom AMAZING WHEAT AND MY SON MY OIL AND BY THE GRACE OF GOD OF ISRAEL, I am blessed TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO MIX IN MY WORK WITH THE which the viewer end, it may DELIGHT YOUR SENSES LIKE HONEY IS A DEMANDING THE LIPS OF INTELLECT .....

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